- Respondus Lockdown Browser Canvas
- Lockdown Browser Download For Students Canvas
- Lockdown Browser Free Download For Students
LockDown Browser integrates seamlessly with Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Moodle, Sakai and Schoology. Over 1,500 institutions use LockDown Browser with their LMS, making it. You must have administrative rights to install applications in order to install Lockdown Browser. Navigate to the quiz or exam that will be using the Lockdown Browser. Click Take this quiz. You should see a hyperlink that says “Download Respondus Lockdown Browser.” Clicking this will bring you to the download page. Click the Install Now button to download a zip file (.zip). Open the downloads folder and run the file titled “Install Respondus Lockdown Browser.”.
Browser Downloads: Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7 32 bit; Internet Explorer 11 for Windows 7 64 bit; Google Chrome; Mozilla Firefox; Safari 8; Respondus Download. Respondus Lockdown Browser; Canvas Downloads: Adobe Acrobat Reader - for viewing PDF documents; QuickTime - playing streaming movies and video; Flash Player - for viewing flash. Oct 01, 2018 Click the link to the download page. Follow the instructions on the following page for PC or Mac. Once installed, launch the Lockdown Browser, log into Canvas using the Lockdown Browser, and then take the quiz. Note: If you have trouble installing the Lockdown Browser, please contact the OIT Service Desk at 844-4944 or servicedesk@auburn.edu. Lockdown Browser Instructions and Download link Using LockDown Browser + Monitor for Online Quizzes and Exams. LockDown Browser is a locked browser for taking quizzes in Canvas. It prevents you from printing, copying, going to another website, or accessing other applications during an assessment.

Respondus LockDown Browser™ is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Canvas. It prevents students from accessing an exam within a regular browser. When students use Respondus LockDown Browser they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. When an assessment is started, students are locked into it until they submit it for grading.
Great news! Pearson MyLab now integrates with the Respondus Monitor proctoring system. Here are the details:
·Works seamlessly with your Respondus Monitor license:There are no hoops to jump through, no wires to twist together. Instructors simply link their LMS course to a MyLab course and the magic occurs from there.
·New reporting: Usage reports have been updated so admins can see Respondus Monitor use across each LMS course and publishing system.
·Easy set-up for Instructors: Instructors perform a one-time, two-step process for linking their MyLab course to Respondus Monitor.
·Overview video & resources: learn how to use Pearson MyLab with Respondus Monitor atRespondus.com/MyLab.
We have created a helpful 'Tips for Success on Remote Exams and Quizzes' document for you to distribute to students explaining how to use the LockDown Browser for Exams and Quizzes.
For technical support, contact the CLEAR Faculty Helpdesk. Students who encounter problems taking a test with LockDown Browser should immediately contact their instructor or instructor-assigned proctor.
Email: clearhelp@unt.edu
Phone: 940-369-7394
Click on the options below to learn how Respondus LockDown Browser is used within Canvas.
Configure a Quiz with LockDown Browser
To set up a quiz in Canvas that requires students to use LockDown Browser, follow these steps:

- Make sure the quiz has been created in the Canvas course.
- Click Settings in the far left Course Navigation menu.
- Click on the 'Navigation' tab at the top of the page.
- Scroll down the list of items until you find 'LockDown Browser.'
- Click the three vertical dots next to 'LockDown Browser' and select Enable. 'LockDown Browser' will move up to the top portion of the page.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the green Save button.
- Now that LockDown Browser has been enabled, click on the tab in the far left Course Navigation menu.
- Select 'Continue to LockDown Browser' at the bottom right.
- A list of quizzes in the course will be displayed. Quizzes labeled with “Required” under 'LockDown Browser' require students to use LockDown Browser. Quizzes labeled with “Not Required” do not require students to use LockDown Browser.
- To change the settings, click on the grey drop-down button to the left of a quiz name. Select 'Settings,' then select 'Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam.'
- You can select 'Require LockDown Browser to view quiz feedback and results.' Under 'Password Settings,' you may create an access code that students must enter to start the quiz.
- If you wish to use Respondus Monitor, select 'Require Respondus Monitor for this exam' under 'Monitor Webcam Settings.'
- Click the blue Save + Close button.
Respondus Monitor Feature in Canvas
Respondus Monitor is a webcam feature for LockDown Browser that records students during their exam. Instructors can require students to use a webcam and microphone with Respondus Monitor. After the student has completed the exam, an instructor can review the details of the exam and watch the recorded videos.
Enable Respondus Monitor for an Exam
If you choose to use Respondus Monitor, additional settings will appear while configuring a quiz with LockDown Browser (explained above). To require all students use a webcam during the exam, select “Require Respondus Monitor for this exam” (step 7, above).
Tip: To ensure your first exam using Respondus Monitor runs smoothly, have students take an ungraded practice quiz that requires the use of LockDown Browser and a webcam before taking a graded exam.
Review Webcam Videos
If students were required to use Respondus Monitor, instructors can access information about the exam sessions and review the recorded videos.
- Return to your Canvas course and select 'Lockdown Browser' from the left-hand navigation bar.
- Select the drop-down arrow to the left of the exam title, then select Video Review.
- A class roster will be shown, along with the date, time, duration of the test, and grade (if applicable).
- You may then click the '+' to the left of the student's name to review the exam details.
Student Access
When students access a quiz that requires Respondus LockDown Browser, they will see a message (shown below) that tells them to launch LockDown Browser and provides a download link in case they have not yet downloaded the program.
Once a student has downloaded Respondus LockDown Browser, they must open the program. A pop-up for 'Choose Server' (pictured below) will appear that says 'More than one e-learning system is used at your institution. Please select the appropriate system from the list below. The student must choose 'UNT Denton Canvas.'
After opening LockDown Browser, the student must then navigate to their course and begin the quiz.
Additional Guides, Manuals, and Tutorials
- Instructor Quickstart Guide (Canvas Edition)
- Student Quickstart Guide (Canvas Edition)
My students are reporting that the quiz is not loading. What do I do?
LockDown Browser does not cache image or media files and, as a result, Canvas may have difficulty loading the quiz. This issue can be fixed by changing a setting in the Canvas quiz following these instructions:
- Navigate to the course.
- From the Course Navigation Bar, click Quizzes.
- Open the relevant quiz.
- Click the Edit button at the top right of the page.
- Make sure you are under the Details tab.
- In the middle of the page, check mark the box next to 'Show one question at a time.'
- Click the green Save button.
This fix will make it easier for Canvas to load the quiz since questions will display one at a time. The problem can worsen if WiFi is being used due to limited bandwidth. If the issue persists, please contact the CLEAR Faculty Helpdesk through email or 940-369-7394.
Download LockDown Browser (Student Edition)*
The Student Version of LockDown Browser uses a standard Windows or Mac installer. This download link is unique for UNT and can be used by faculty or students:
*Don't use the 'Student Edition' of LockDown Browser on UNT-owned computers; use the 'Lab Edition' instead. Log in with your UNT credentials to Download the Lab Edition.
Sage Hall Testing Center
Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) is installed on the 160 machines in the Sage Hall Testing Center (http://it.unt.edu/test). You can find more information about the testing center and make a reservation for your class to take an exam there at http://it.unt.edu/test.
When completing the reservation form for the exam, you must enter Respondus LockDown Browser within the Software Restrictions and/or Requests blank.
Respondus Lockdown Browser Canvas
Respondus LockDown Browser™ is a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Canvas. It prevents students from accessing an exam within a regular browser. When students use Respondus LockDown Browser they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. When an assessment is started, students are locked into it until they submit it for grading.
Great news! Pearson MyLab now integrates with the Respondus Monitor proctoring system. Here are the details:
·Works seamlessly with your Respondus Monitor license:There are no hoops to jump through, no wires to twist together. Instructors simply link their LMS course to a MyLab course and the magic occurs from there.
·New reporting: Usage reports have been updated so admins can see Respondus Monitor use across each LMS course and publishing system.
·Easy set-up for Instructors: Instructors perform a one-time, two-step process for linking their MyLab course to Respondus Monitor.
·Overview video & resources: learn how to use Pearson MyLab with Respondus Monitor atRespondus.com/MyLab.
We have created a helpful 'Tips for Success on Remote Exams and Quizzes' document for you to distribute to students explaining how to use the LockDown Browser for Exams and Quizzes.
For technical support, contact the CLEAR Faculty Helpdesk. Students who encounter problems taking a test with LockDown Browser should immediately contact their instructor or instructor-assigned proctor.
Email: clearhelp@unt.edu
Phone: 940-369-7394
Click on the options below to learn how Respondus LockDown Browser is used within Canvas.
Configure a Quiz with LockDown Browser
To set up a quiz in Canvas that requires students to use LockDown Browser, follow these steps:
- Make sure the quiz has been created in the Canvas course.
- Click Settings in the far left Course Navigation menu.
- Click on the 'Navigation' tab at the top of the page.
- Scroll down the list of items until you find 'LockDown Browser.'
- Click the three vertical dots next to 'LockDown Browser' and select Enable. 'LockDown Browser' will move up to the top portion of the page.
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the green Save button.
- Now that LockDown Browser has been enabled, click on the tab in the far left Course Navigation menu.
- Select 'Continue to LockDown Browser' at the bottom right.
- A list of quizzes in the course will be displayed. Quizzes labeled with “Required” under 'LockDown Browser' require students to use LockDown Browser. Quizzes labeled with “Not Required” do not require students to use LockDown Browser.
- To change the settings, click on the grey drop-down button to the left of a quiz name. Select 'Settings,' then select 'Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam.'
- You can select 'Require LockDown Browser to view quiz feedback and results.' Under 'Password Settings,' you may create an access code that students must enter to start the quiz.
- If you wish to use Respondus Monitor, select 'Require Respondus Monitor for this exam' under 'Monitor Webcam Settings.'
- Click the blue Save + Close button.
Respondus Monitor Feature in Canvas
Respondus Monitor is a webcam feature for LockDown Browser that records students during their exam. Instructors can require students to use a webcam and microphone with Respondus Monitor. After the student has completed the exam, an instructor can review the details of the exam and watch the recorded videos.
Enable Respondus Monitor for an Exam
If you choose to use Respondus Monitor, additional settings will appear while configuring a quiz with LockDown Browser (explained above). To require all students use a webcam during the exam, select “Require Respondus Monitor for this exam” (step 7, above).
Tip: To ensure your first exam using Respondus Monitor runs smoothly, have students take an ungraded practice quiz that requires the use of LockDown Browser and a webcam before taking a graded exam.
Review Webcam Videos
If students were required to use Respondus Monitor, instructors can access information about the exam sessions and review the recorded videos.
- Return to your Canvas course and select 'Lockdown Browser' from the left-hand navigation bar.
- Select the drop-down arrow to the left of the exam title, then select Video Review.
- A class roster will be shown, along with the date, time, duration of the test, and grade (if applicable).
- You may then click the '+' to the left of the student's name to review the exam details.
Student Access
When students access a quiz that requires Respondus LockDown Browser, they will see a message (shown below) that tells them to launch LockDown Browser and provides a download link in case they have not yet downloaded the program.
Once a student has downloaded Respondus LockDown Browser, they must open the program. A pop-up for 'Choose Server' (pictured below) will appear that says 'More than one e-learning system is used at your institution. Please select the appropriate system from the list below. The student must choose 'UNT Denton Canvas.'
After opening LockDown Browser, the student must then navigate to their course and begin the quiz.
Lockdown Browser Download For Students Canvas
Additional Guides, Manuals, and Tutorials
- Instructor Quickstart Guide (Canvas Edition)
- Student Quickstart Guide (Canvas Edition)
Lockdown Browser Free Download For Students
My students are reporting that the quiz is not loading. What do I do?
LockDown Browser does not cache image or media files and, as a result, Canvas may have difficulty loading the quiz. This issue can be fixed by changing a setting in the Canvas quiz following these instructions:
- Navigate to the course.
- From the Course Navigation Bar, click Quizzes.
- Open the relevant quiz.
- Click the Edit button at the top right of the page.
- Make sure you are under the Details tab.
- In the middle of the page, check mark the box next to 'Show one question at a time.'
- Click the green Save button.
This fix will make it easier for Canvas to load the quiz since questions will display one at a time. The problem can worsen if WiFi is being used due to limited bandwidth. If the issue persists, please contact the CLEAR Faculty Helpdesk through email or 940-369-7394.
Download LockDown Browser (Student Edition)*
The Student Version of LockDown Browser uses a standard Windows or Mac installer. This download link is unique for UNT and can be used by faculty or students:
*Don't use the 'Student Edition' of LockDown Browser on UNT-owned computers; use the 'Lab Edition' instead. Log in with your UNT credentials to Download the Lab Edition.
Sage Hall Testing Center
Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) is installed on the 160 machines in the Sage Hall Testing Center (http://it.unt.edu/test). You can find more information about the testing center and make a reservation for your class to take an exam there at http://it.unt.edu/test.
When completing the reservation form for the exam, you must enter Respondus LockDown Browser within the Software Restrictions and/or Requests blank.