Rainmeter is one of the best desktop customization tools of thisage. Ask any avid user of Windows-based PC or laptop and they’ll confirm that. Youknow the process of digging into your computer to find or check importantwidgets, folders, system stats and updates can sometimes be downright lengthy. Butif you manage to scout out a decent Rainmeter skin and get it onto yourdesktop, all that will be in the damn past.
- Overall, FLHUD is a brilliant Rainmeter skin to start with. If you are a fan of a material look, then Ageo is probably the best material Rainmeter skin you should try. It treats you with a sleek music player on the home screen, along with a date, time, and weather info widget, which is highly customizable.
- 756+ RAINMETER SKINS collections for Windows 10/8/7. Download and apply free Rainmeter skins or themes. Customize you desktop and make it personal looks.
What is Desktop Dock?
Below, you will find the ultimate list of the best Rainmeter skins for Windows 10. The list is arranged in no particular order, so go ahead and find the best one for your needs. Senja Suite is a minimal-looking Rainmete skin with all necessary widgets and features. Free and easy to install Rainmeter skins, suites, themesand more. Make your desktop your own.
With the Rainmeter launcher program, you can gather shortcutsof all your favorite computer programs and folders and position them in oneplace of convenience. Whether it is games, apps, music folders or internetlinks, you can have access to their shortcuts in a snap of a finger.
Most Popular Rainmeter Docks
Now that you’ve been furnished with all the info on what Rainmeterlaunchers can do, why don’t we dive straight into the list of top ten dockskins?
Well, let’s go:
1. Silmeria Dock
If you are tired of having to sieve through a humongous listof programs or folders on your computer to locate certain items and/orutilities, then you can find respite in the Silmeria Dock skin. The simplicityof this skin is evident while the icons arrangement is nothing less thanstunning. You might also fall in love with the hidden dock design- which revealsthe icons when you sweep your mouse over it-if you are true minimalist.
2. Docker
This Rainmeter skin holds down your favorite apps, internetbookmarks, folders and other shortcuts like a true docker. Needless to say, thedocker skin is minimalistic but can still accommodate a sizable number of iconsin it. If you are all about simplicity, then this skin can be a nifty choicefor you.
3. Dock
If you are true fan of classic black, then you will findthis Rainmeter bar, which looks more like soundbar, absolutely stunning. Withthis skin, you can get all your favorite folders, internet links, apps andother shortcuts onto a safe dock, where they can be readily accessible. Dockalso teams up perfectly with the desktop background to create an overall lookthat’s elegant and enchanting. You just can’t get enough of this skin on yourdesktop.
4. Goth-Style Dock
This Rainmeter skin is apt for any Goth enthusiast, whetherhardcore or moderate. Designed with an animated diamond-inspired dock, the skinfeatures special effects that only reveal the icons (which you choose to add),when you hover your mouse over it. That’s ideally the 'Gothic mystery' of usingthis skin as a launcher.
5. Material Taskbar
Material Taskbar is a Rainmeter skin that’s simple yetextremely resourceful. It features a long bar that can house a couple ofshortcuts including, but not limited to, recycle bin, power button, photosfolder, settings short cut and downloads folder. The background theme for thisskin is changeable while the task bar itself can be tweaked a bit in terms ofpositioning, style and color.
6. Hexa Core
Hexa Core skin stays true to its name as it features 6hexagons that are held together by a core at middle, which looks more like a rotator.This super gorgeous yet minimalistic skin can hold down a number of shortcuts includinggames, desktop folders, apps, internet links and more. The rotator at the middleacts as a return button, which makes the process of navigating or switchingbetween shortcuts quick and effortless.
7. Red Dock
Red Dock launcher precisely features what looks like a redcarpet or table, where various shortcuts rest on. While the dock and iconssport red and white colors, the background takes on subtle grey, which lendssimplicity and class to the entire theme. You are free to include in the dockany shortcut you want, whether it is music, downloads, games, browser or MyComputer.
8. Plank Dockey
The Plank Dockey skin looks like a plank of wood curved in a classic design to form a dock where variousshortcuts can be placed on. With this skin, you can arrange all your crucial desktopfolders, personalization icons and programs in a simple and neat format. There’sa simple button just below the skin for scrolling forwards and backwards aswell as expanding and/or reducing the size of the dock.
9. Social Dock
Social Dock is an eye-catching skin that comes with awell-lit shortcuts dock and a definitive city background theme. So the entirelook can be least described as lively and classy. With Social Dock launcher,you can enjoy swift access to such shortcuts as Google, Twitter, Gmail,Facebook, DeviantArt, YouTube and more. You are also free to customize/change anumber of things like color, fonts and sizes to suit your needs.
10. MiniDock
Mini Dock is a super amazing launcher that literally takeson the shape and form of a life-like kitchen shelf or bookshelf. That means youcan place all your favorite applets, in the form of shortcuts, on the dock,without worrying about them 'falling'. One other amazing feature about thisskin is that when you swipe your mouse over the icons, the respective apps,folders and/or programs pop up along with their tag names. Isn’t this skin justsuper cool?
In Conclusion
These are just some of the top and best rated Rainmeter launcherskins available for Windows 7, 8/8.1 and 10. All the skins aforementioned are extremelyattractive and minimalistic. But as usual, the tastes and preferences willnever be the same. So it’s upon you to chooseone that will help you customize your desktop as per your whims and fancies.
Rainmeter is a lightweight application for customizing your Windows desktop. Rainmeter works by installing community made ‘skins’ or creating your own, many of which can change how the desktop works with widgets like app launchers, RSS and email readers, calendars, weather reports, and many others. It has been around since Windows XP, where it was used as a tool for displaying basic info on the desktop, but has since gained a large community following which has produced high quality skins to completely change your desktop experience.
Here at rainmeterui.com, we provide a safe and organized archive for only the best Rainmeter skins available for download which most certainly are worth your time online. All the Rainmeter skins featured on this website are grouped and organized according to relevant categories and tags. We also provide Rainmeter tutorials, Rainmeter resources. Rainmeter allows you to display customizable skins on your desktop, from hardware usage meters to fully functional audio visualizers. You are only limited by your imagination and creativity. Rainmeter is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 license. Rainmeter allows you to display customizable skins on your desktop, from hardware usage meters to fully functional audio visualizers. You are only limited by your imagination and creativity. Rainmeter is open source software distributed free of charge under the terms of the GNU GPL v2 license. 678+ RAINMETER SKINS collections for Windows 10/8/7. Download and apply free Rainmeter skins or themes. Customize you desktop and make it personal looks.
You can download the latest beta and final releases below.
Rainmeter will run on Windows 7 (Service Pack 1 and Platform Update required) and above (8/10).
Unfortunately Rainmeter does not support Mac and Linux, however you can use desktop customizing alternatives, such as Geektool for Mac and Conky for Linux machines.
The installation will do the following:
- Install the program to the default or selected Destination folder.
- Create a Windows file association for the .rmskin file extension and the Rainmeter Skin Installer.
- Create Windows Start menu item for Rainmeter.
- Create Windows Start menu item for Startup/Rainmeter, so Rainmeter starts with Windows. This may be disabled by unchecking Launch Rainmeter on startup.
- Launch Rainmeter at the end of the installation.
Skins and settings folders will be created in the default file locations when Rainmeter is first run.
Note: Rainmeter can be uninstalled using the Add or Remove programs function in Windows.
To run Rainmeter from a single folder, so it can be copied to another computer or run directly from a removable drive, select Portable installation during the install process and browse to the desired installation folder. No changes to the Windows Registry or Start menu will be made. All program, skins and settings folders and files will remain in the selected program folder.
Program folder:C:Program FilesRainmeter
Download Rainmeter Skins
Rainmeter Skins Free Download
Skins folder:C:UsersYourNameDocumentsRainmeterSkins
Settings and Layouts folder:C:UsersYourNameAppdataRoamingRainmeter
1. “YourName” is an example.
All skins, themes, launchers and widgets can be download on the official rainmeter skins website. Alternatively you download or request from the active community on deviantart and rainmeter subreddit
There are two ways of installing Rainmeter skins downloaded from the internet:
- Automatically : If the skin is in the .rmskin format.
In short : Double-click the .rmskin file, click Install. - Manually : If the file is a .zip/.rar/.7z archive.
In short : Unzip the archive or copy to the Rainmeter Skins folder. Refresh Rainmeter.
Skins in the Rainmeter Skin Packager (.rmskin) format can be easily and automatically installed with the Rainmeter Skin Installer. During a normal Rainmeter installation, the .rmskin extension is associated in Windows with the Skin Installer program, and simply double-clicking the file will install it in Rainmeter.
Before Rainmeter 1.3, most skins had to be unzipped and moved to the Skins folder by hand. All versions of Rainmeter are 100% backwards-compatible, so these older skins will still work just fine. Here is how to install them:
First of all, if a skin comes in an archive, such as a ZIP, RAR or 7Z file, software is needed to “extract” them. 7-Zip is one of the popular choices, since it can handle almost any archive type. After installing the software, right-click the archive in Explorer to extract it.
The archive may include a readme.txt file with further instructions. If not, look for a folder with the same name as the skin – it might be inside another folder that is actually called “Skins”. Move the folder to the Rainmeter “Skins” folder:
1. “YourName” is an example.
Finally, right-click the Rainmeter Windows Notification area icon and select Refresh all. The new skins will now be available to load from the Manage window or context menus.
Brother hl 3170cdw mac software free. Rainmeter is a lightweight application for customizing your Windows desktop. Rainmeter works by installing community made ‘skins’ or creating your own, many of which can change how the desktop works with widgets like app launchers, RSS and email readers, calendars, weather reports, and many others. It has been around since Windows XP, where it was used as a tool for displaying basic info on the desktop, but has since gained a large community following which has produced high quality skins to completely change your desktop experience.
You can download the latest beta and final releases below.
Rainmeter will run on Windows 7 (Service Pack 1 and Platform Update required) and above (8/10).
Unfortunately Rainmeter does not support Mac and Linux, however you can use desktop customizing alternatives, such as Geektool for Mac and Conky for Linux machines.
The installation will do the following:
- Install the program to the default or selected Destination folder.
- Create a Windows file association for the .rmskin file extension and the Rainmeter Skin Installer.
- Create Windows Start menu item for Rainmeter.
- Create Windows Start menu item for Startup/Rainmeter, so Rainmeter starts with Windows. This may be disabled by unchecking Launch Rainmeter on startup.
- Launch Rainmeter at the end of the installation.
How To Download Rainmeter On Mac
Skins and settings folders will be created in the default file locations when Rainmeter is first run.
Note: Rainmeter can be uninstalled using the Add or Remove programs function in Windows.
To run Rainmeter from a single folder, so it can be copied to another computer or run directly from a removable drive, select Portable installation during the install process and browse to the desired installation folder. No changes to the Windows Registry or Start menu will be made. All program, skins and settings folders and files will remain in the selected program folder.
Program folder:C:Program FilesRainmeter
Skins folder:C:UsersYourNameDocumentsRainmeterSkins

Settings and Layouts folder:C:UsersYourNameAppdataRoamingRainmeter
1. “YourName” is an example.
All skins, themes, launchers and widgets can be download on the official rainmeter skins website. Alternatively you download or request from the active community on deviantart and rainmeter subreddit
There are two ways of installing Rainmeter skins downloaded from the internet:
- Automatically : If the skin is in the .rmskin format.
In short : Double-click the .rmskin file, click Install. - Manually : If the file is a .zip/.rar/.7z archive.
In short : Unzip the archive or copy to the Rainmeter Skins folder. Refresh Rainmeter.
Skins in the Rainmeter Skin Packager (.rmskin) format can be easily and automatically installed with the Rainmeter Skin Installer. During a normal Rainmeter installation, the .rmskin extension is associated in Windows with the Skin Installer program, and simply double-clicking the file will install it in Rainmeter.
Rainmeter Skins Like Mac
Before Rainmeter 1.3, most skins had to be unzipped and moved to the Skins folder by hand. All versions of Rainmeter are 100% backwards-compatible, so these older skins will still work just fine. Here is how to install them:
Download Skin Rainmeter Mac
First of all, if a skin comes in an archive, such as a ZIP, RAR or 7Z file, software is needed to “extract” them. 7-Zip is one of the popular choices, since it can handle almost any archive type. After installing the software, right-click the archive in Explorer to extract it.
The archive may include a readme.txt file with further instructions. If not, look for a folder with the same name as the skin – it might be inside another folder that is actually called “Skins”. Move the folder to the Rainmeter “Skins” folder:
Rainmeter Skins Mac Os Big Sur
1. “YourName” is an example.
Rainmeter Skins Mac Os
Finally, right-click the Rainmeter Windows Notification area icon and select Refresh all. The new skins will now be available to load from the Manage window or context menus.