Browse other questions tagged android xamarin android-emulator visual-studio-mac or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Podcast 367: Building a better developer platform. I am trying to run Xamarin's Tasky app in the Android emulator from Xamarin Studio on my mac. The emulator launches, but the app does not. I always see one of the two screens below. Rebooting the Mac seems to fix it for a while. I've tried re-building the AVD. I've tried it with several different types of AVDs. It happens with both Intel Atom and ARM AVDs. It seemed to start when the menus for starting the emulator changed in Xamarin Studio, but I can't be sure if it's a Xamarin problem or an Android emulator issue.
Download free Building Xamarin.Forms Mobile Apps Using XAML eBook in PDF Xamarin Essentials Xamarin is a Mono-based suite of products that allows developers to create iOS and Android apps using C# and.NET. Download Xamarin Studio for Mac - A powerful and easy-to-use IDE that provides the necessary tools to create iOS, Android, Mac OS X and Windows applications in C#.
-->The topics in this section explain how to install and configureXamarin.Android to work with Visual Studio on Windows and macOS, how touse the Android SDK Manager to download and install Android SDK toolsand components that are required for building and testing your app, howto configure the Android emulator for debugging, and how to connect aphysical Android device to your development computer for debugging andfinal testing your app.
Windows Installation
This guide walks you through the installation steps and configurationdetails required to install Xamarin.Android on Windows. By the end ofthis article, you will have a working Xamarin.Android installationintegrated into Visual Studio, and you'll be ready to start buildingyour first Xamarin.Android application.
Mac Installation
Xamarin Android Emulator Mac
This article walks you through the installation steps and configurationdetails required to install Xamarin.Android on a Mac. By the end ofthis article, you will have a working Xamarin.Android installationintegrated into Visual Studio for Mac, and you'll be ready to startbuilding your first Xamarin.Android application.
Android SDK Setup
Visual Studio includes an Android SDK Manager that replaces Google'sstandalone Android SDK Manager. This article explains how to use the SDKManager to download Android SDK tools, platforms, and other componentsthat you need for developing Xamarin.Android apps.
Android Emulator Setup
These articles explain how to setup the Android Emulator fortesting and debugging Xamarin.Android applications.
Mac For Xamarin Development
Android Device Setup
This article explains how to setup a physical Android device andconnect it to a development computer so that the device may be used torun and debug Xamarin.Android applications.
Microsoft Mobile OpenJDK Preview
This guide describes the steps for switching to the preview release of Microsoft's distributionof the OpenJDK. This distribution of the OpenJDK is intended for mobile development.
-->Required Components

To build for Xamarin.iOS, the following are required:
- the latest version of Visual Studio
- the latest iOS SDK
- the latest version of Xcode
- the minimum version of macOS required by Xcode
For specific version requirements, refer to the latest Xamarin.iOS release notes.
The latest version of Xcode can be downloaded from the iOS Developer Center (login required), or via the Mac App Store: Download high sierra on mac.
Mac Installation
For instructions on installing Xamarin.iOS on a Mac, visit the Mac Installation guide.

Windows Installation
Xamarin Forms Mac
Xamarin Android Emulator Tutorial
For instructions on installing Xamarin.iOS on a Windows machine, visit the Windows Installation guide.
Development and Device Provisioning
Xamarin Android Emulator Mac Os

Mono Vs Xamarin
Once you have successfully installed Xamarin.iOS, learn how to provision your iOS device so that you can develop and test a Xamarin.iOS application on device.